Hello there people who love and appreciate the world of interiors!
This is my first ever Blog as I AM NOMAD and I do realise this may only be read by my husband and my sister (maybe) but you have to start somewhere right?
I know you could read MY STORY on my website but I feel for my own clarity i need to off load a bit about myself to you
I studied Art & Art History at Uni with the romantic thoughts of working in a gallery talking about Art all day and painting in my free time!
Well at 21 we all have romantic ideas .... the reality was that when i finished my degree and returned home i needed to get a job ....
So i took something part time working for a high street retailer (no names mentioned) thinking it would be for a year maybe ....fast forward 24 years and i found myself an Area Manager earning a big salary but working like a dog with little to no life
I decided to take the massive leap and leave and go and work for a small company as Head of Retail & Buying, earning half the salary but working for someone who appreciated my talents and understood the term work life balance!
Head of Retail for this company was pretty similar to what i had previously been doing but the Buying part was pretty new to me with the exception of buying for my own home
It was pretty exciting going to trade fairs and travelling the world ..... but what i really wanted was to have my own business and help people find what they are really looking for.
....... Building a website and letting you all into the world of I AM NOMAD, which really is my house that i share with my husband and numerous dogs!
You have met already as she is staring in the photos .... the other 2 are a bit more energetic lets say so i will introduce them at a later stage
The website .....
Everything is for sale (except the dogs) or i can source any item you see in the photos that you cant see on the website
You can shop by category such as furniture or chairs or bedlinen OR you can shop by room
Makers .......
I have chosen suppliers that i believe in and who have an interesting story and i will introduce you to them as i journey through this world of websites and blogs so look out for the first one which is about the beautiful bedlinen in my bedroom from a french design company called MILLE ET CLAIRE
I do appreciate that not everyone will have my taste in interiors but in my career i have worked for a lot of different companies building brands for them based on their brief so i can definitely do the same for you .....
Personal shopping
Sometimes you just don't have time to go shopping for furniture, or you have something in mind but you cant find it, or you just don't know where to start
I can definitely help you with any item both large or small or even multiple items, i just need a brief of what you are looking for and i can source it for you
Personal Styling
If you want a room restyled or your whole house i will happily sit down with you and blend your ideas with unique looks that will help show your personality and create a room that you are comfortable with and want to live in